After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan Moves toward Coal and Gas Power

In wake of Tokyo’s struggles with moving away from costly oil, Japan is planning to build 14 new gas and coal-fired power plants by...
Atsumitech Synergy Cell Uses Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology to Improve Fuel Economy

Motorcycle Uses Hydrogen Fuel Cell to Recover Lost Energy

I've seen hydrogen fuel cells being tested as range-extenders and as full-blown propulsion systems, but I kind of like this setup, as an energy...

Waste Heat May Boost Power Plant Performance by 10%

Vehicle mileage might be increased by 5% and power plant industrial process performance may be increased by up to 10%, thanks to physicists at...

Pierre Poudeu’s Thermoelectric Alloy Converts Heat 200% Better

A new thermoelectric material has emerged from a University of Michigan lab. Pierre Ferdinand P. Poudeu, assistant professor of material science and engineering, has developed a...
Thermoelectric Devices Could Improve Overall Efficiency by Recovering Waste Heat

Osmoblue Thermoelectric Device Works at Lower Temperatures

Aside from energy efficiency, energy recovery could be the next best way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Thermoelectric devices use waste heat to generate...
3D Printed Thermoelectric Generator Material is Flexible Enough to Install Practically Anywhere

3D Printable Thin Film Thermoelectric Generator is Flexible Enough to Install Anywhere

Most energy systems are extremely inefficient, but flexible thermoelectric generators could recover some of that lost energy and put it back into the system. If...

New Thermoelectric Tube by Panasonic Recovers Lost Heat Energy

The latest technology by the giant Panasonic, a "thermoelectric tube," is being tested at their Northeastern Clean Center in Kyoto City for its power...

How to Build an Electricity-Producing Peltier Gasifier

A gasifier works by decomposing organic matter in an oxygen-free environment at high temperatures and then burning the hydrogen that results from that decomposition....

Organic Thermoelectric Conversion Material to Be Used in Human Health Monitoring Devices

Using an organic polymer, Fujifilm Corp developed an organic thermoelectric conversion material and claims the material demonstrates the highest thermoelectric conversion efficiency in the...

Atomic Layer Deposition Improves Thermoelectric Materials

Researchers at Aalto University School of Chemical Technology developed a new cost-effective method to convert waste energy into electricity without carbon dioxide emissions. The team defined...