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In recent years we saw electronic devices including batteries and light-emitting diodes made of paper instead of glass or plastic. Now, the latest innovation in the field of electronics uses transparent and smooth paper to fabricate transistors. This was made...
Forests are the largest and one of the most important ecosystems, which are greatly affected by the effect of climate change. Higher temperatures increase the frequency of wildfires, bring greater insect infestations, and cause floods and droughts. This warning was...
Emissions from vehicle emissions, urban heating and coal power plants cause low birth weight of children. This is the conclusion that was reached by an international team of scientists led by co-principal investigator Tracey J. Woodruff, PhD, MPH, professor...
Ok, I saw this on Gizmodo (unexpectedly), and despite the fact that I've been blogging for five years now I've never actually seen something this amazing - the famous magnetic motor spinning by itself indefinitely, like this video shows. Now,...
If it's not cows, it's earthworms destroying our planet and its frail ecosystem. That's what a team of researchers from the Netherlands, U.S. and Canada has decided by studying the results of 237 experiments involving earthworms - all of...
Whether it was Tesla’s introduction of the Supercharger system of fast-charging posts for electric vehicles or an attempt to curb the current range anxiety plaguing electric vehicles, it is no doubt a move in the right direction that Nissan...
According to industry experts, wind farms in Spain have over the last three months generated more electric power than any other source of energy. Grid company Red Electrica de Espana’s data shows that electrical capacity of more than six...
The biggest thin film solar panel producer in the world, First Solar Inc. is planning to distribute electricity in New Mexico at a rate of 5.8 cents per kWh. In accord with First Solar’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) deal...
In a shocking move, a founding father of the Green movement is fighting to stop a 275 foot wind turbine from being erected near his home in England. Inventor of the “Gaia Theory” and original predictor of global warming, Professor...
According to the director at the Australian Solar Thermal Research Initiative at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), by 2020, solar energy will be 50% cheaper. Due to fossil fuel subsidies and limited hours of solar thermal energy...