The Harriet Gas Turbine – World’s Biggest, Greenest, Most Powerful

Harriet , world's most powerful and most majestic gas turbine, capable of powering hundreds of thousands of homes, is now under final testing. If successful,...

California Egg Farm Installs Chicken Poo-Powered Fuel Cell

FuelCell Energy, one of the companies promoting alternative energy sources, announced the sale of a chicken poo-powered fuel cell to an egg farm in California. The 1.4-megawatt fuel cell system will produce enough energy to supply the farm's operations.

How to Make a DIY Biomass Digester and Save Lots of Money!

I threw out a tomato yesterday, and I felt horrible about it! Not that I had much choice, the poor tomato had gone past the...
Landfill Gas Collection Scheme

University of Texas Doubles Electricity Output of Landfill

Landfills are not just an eyesore, but also produce methane as their contents decompose. Methane is a greenhouse gas, and if not recovered,...

Nobel Laureate and Photosynthesis Expert Hartmut Michel Says Biofuels Provide No Value

Nobel Laureate and current director of the Molecular Membrane Biology department at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Dr. Hartmut Michel is best known...

New Type of Sand to Store Methane Safely and Efficiently

Hydrogen gas is the most clean-burning gas known to man. Yet methane, even if it's a sibling of petrol, got its way through the alternative fuels industry, and it is more widely used nowadays, as fuel prices oscillate between skyscrapers and small houses. Methane is also one of the cleanest burning fuels, and that makes it viable for a while. Methane reservoirs still exist all around the world, and there's plenty of it to help make a clean transition to hydrogen.

Carbon Neutral Methane Obtained Cheaply From CO2 and Water

We all know most of world's greatest inventions have been made by mistake. A team of researchers from the Penn State, led by Bruce E.Logan, Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, discovered how to produce methane from water and carbon dioxide. Here's what he says: "We were studying making hydrogen in microbial electrolysis cells and we kept getting all this methane. We may now understand why."

Enerkem, Canada’s New Waste-to-Biofuel Plant, Ready for Expansion

Enerkem, a clean-technology company founded in 2000 and based in Quebec, Canada, is currently constructing its first industrial-scale waste-to-biofuel plant at Edmonton’s Waste Management...

SUGAR Freeze: Boeing’s Future LNG-Powered, Ultra-Efficient Aircraft

It's a predictable fact that future aircraft won't be as polluting as today's aircraft is, but where technology will take us is yet to...
Aingeru Remiro-Eguskiza, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering

Bio-Oil Hydrogen Generation Just Needed a More Efficient Process

We've been watching hydrogen fuel for a while now, and the utilization of hydrogen has seen fairly rapid development, as seen in the decreasing...