Renewables to Provide a Quarter of The Global Power Supply by 2018

The International Energy Agency (IEA) released a report earlier this week, stating that in the coming 5 years, solar and wind will represent a...

New “Power Matrix” Online Game Focuses on Renewable Energy, Siemens

Siemens, basically the General Electric of Germany, has a lot of stake in renewable energy, from generators to energy storage. Siemens recently started a supercapacitor...

Moon’s Energy-Rich Helium-3 Could Get Harvested by Moon Express

Naveen Jain owns Moon Express, a company whose aim is to extract helium-3 from the Moon, a huge energy resource not available here on...

Waste-to-Energy Facilities in UK Attracting Investors

Across the UK, waste-to-energy facilities are being approved as an effective alternative to polluting landfills. Three major projects have attracted the interest of investors, who...

Power-to-Gas System in Germany Uses Sun and Wind to Make Natural Gas

Germany is about to start a new phase in its energy revolution with a project that is meant to use captured carbon dioxide, use...

Increased Energy Efficiency Could Cut Wireless Data Power Consumption by 90%

Take a look at your mobile device. Other than worrying about battery life and data plan overages, have you ever thought about the energy...

British Government Doubles Renewable Energy Incentives For Households

The British government is expected to announce an increase in the one-off payments to help households  switch to renewable energy sources. The measure will be...

Food Waste Produces 13 Million kWh of Electricity for Supermarket Chain

West Coast supermarket chain Ralph’s uses leftover fruit and expired meat and milk from its stores to keep generate electricity.  The closed-loop system, to which...

Oil Production Surges with Technological Advances, Biofuel Interest Wanes

Oil production is taking off, much to the surprise and chagrin of proponents of biofuel. The United States could see a surge in oil...

London Power Station Generates Electricity From Fat in Sewers

A new type of power station in London will turn oil and fat, which accumulate in the sewers under the city streets, into electricity. The...
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