Corals Deeply Affected by Increasing Atmospheric CO2, Scientists Say

The increasing CO2 concentration in air is having a profound impact on corals in the most unforeseen ways. It had been previously thought that...

Google Earth to Help Monitor Natural Disasters with Real-Time Satellite Imagery

The effects of climate change are becoming more and more apparent as each day passes by. Changes in habitat distributions, uncontrollable and devastating forest...

Climate Change Slows Economic Growth of Developing Nations

As the economies of nations such as Brazil, China and India are catching up  with these of their wealthy competitors, the  impact of climate...

Climate Change Likely to Cause River Pollution and Affect Agricultural Production

The influence of climate change on various eco-systems is undoubtedly enormous. Scientists keep discovering new means by which hotter temperature, or more intense rainfall...

Undersea Methane Plumes – No Effect on Climate Change, Yet

There are a number of greenhouse gases (GHG) tied to climate change, and finding new sources of them is somewhat of a concern. We’re most...

Rise in Methane Emissions Threatens Paris Agreements

The levels of methane in the atmosphere are rising with rapid and unexpected rates.

NIST Looks for New Refrigerants and Comes Up Short

The need for refrigeration is expanding, and it is expected to grow steadily for most of this century. This issue is well-known, and we...

Climate Change Killing Moose at Alarming Rate

Climate change is playing a huge role in the gradual population decline and anticipated extinction of the moose. Minnesota had two different moose populations twenty...

Increased Clear-Air Turbulence Due to Climate Change Will Cost Airline Companies Millions

Scientists from University of Reading, UK, claim that air-turbulence over Europe will increase as a result of global warming. Paul Williams, the lead author of the...

Fluctuations In Sea-Surface Temperature Can Be Used To Monitor Climate Change

The list of indicators, which show that climate change is really happening, keeps getting longer, as scientists develop new methods to gather and analyze...
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