Power-to-Gas System in Germany Uses Sun and Wind to Make Natural Gas

Germany is about to start a new phase in its energy revolution with a project that is meant to use captured carbon dioxide, use...

Japanese Green Energy Power Plants on Water

Japanese scientists explore the usefulness of clean-tech energy generators that are floating on the sea as a source of energy for the whole country, announced a Japanese newspaper.

Synthetic Gasoline Made From CO2 and Water in Air

As the world faces destructive consequences of continuously ascending carbon footprint, capturing CO2 and transforming it to something as useful as fuel seem too...

OTEC: Lockheed Martin Studies Ocean Energy Production Tech

Lockheed Martin, specialized in building rockets and aircraft engines, is surprisingly taking over this niche of energy production. They spent the last year studying how to make a big and long fiberglass pipe to sink it into the ocean.

USS Zumwalt Brings Electric Power Systems to the Battlefield

The next stage in modern Naval warfare is upon us with the recent unveiling of the USS Zumwalt DDG 1000, a highly advanced Destroyer-class...

Students Develop Five Systems to Harvest Energy From Railways

Engineering students developed five systems that could harvest electricity from railway crossings. Every once in a while, unfortunately more often than we would like to,...

Germany´s Thrive to Replace Fossil-Fuel Power with Renewables May Need Russian Gas

One of the most important environmental commitments of the German nation, to replace fossil fuel generated power for solar & wind-generated electricity, presents serious...

Haier's Wirelessly-Powered TV Demonstrates WiTricity Technology On Higher Powers

Haier, a Chinese home electronics producer, has demonstrated WiTricity's wireless power technology at CES 2010 by powering a TV set with no strings attached.

Analysis on Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Reveals High Energy Generation Potential

River mouths have recently been reported to have the capacity to produce renewable electricity that could support over half a billion people. A river...
Wind turbines, just a small part of Burlington, Vermont's 100% renewable energy solution.

Burlington, Vermont – 100% Powered by Renewable Energy

If you ever get a chance, you should definitely take a ride through The Green Mountain State, Vermont, in the Northeast, one reason being...