Energy-Harvesting "Piezo-tree" to Produce Renewable Energy

A team of scientists at the Cornell University have developed an energy harvesting "piezo-tree" that uses the flittering of leaves connected to a piezoelectric stem to generate electric energy.

Zinc Oxide Crystal Acting as Piezoelectric Material To Get Hydrogen From Water

A team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have just discovered that crystals of zinc oxide, if submerged, absorb its vibrations and act like a piezoelectric material, developing areas of strong negative and positive charges.

New Discovery Makes Piezoelectric Materials 25% More Efficient

A new project at National Physical Laboratory in the UK aims to develop a much more efficient piezoelectric energy harvester. They found a serious...

New Bill Could Allow California to Harness Power Otherwise Lost as Cars Travel Over...

We've been presenting over time how piezoelectric devices could harness energy from different sources, and I think we were right supporting this technology. The following is a Press Release sent to us by California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, who proposed a new bill that will implement piezoelectric technology already in use in Italy and Israel to harness energy from road vibrations.

Alternating Current from Friction With Triboelectric Nanogenerators

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered a way to produce electricity from random mechanical motion using triboelectric nanogenerators. These are devices fabricated...

Yell at Your Phone to Charge It: New Piezoelectric Device Could Help You

Imagine that one day you could charge your mobile phone or other low-consumption devices just by placing them in noisy areas or by yelling at them. South-Korean scientists from the Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, are now studying a type of zinc oxide-based device that could do just that.

GE’s Ultra-Thin Piezo Technology Used to Cool Future Laptops and Tablets

As electronics get smaller, faster, and more powerful, the devices we count on in our everyday connected lives tend to get hotter, requiring some...

400 kW Piezoelectric Energy Recovery System Under Israel's Highways

When I was like 12, I did an interesting experiment: I connected a piezoelectric cigarette lighter to a halogen lamp based voltmeter measuring up to 3000V. The short spark easily raised the voltage above that figure. Of course, the current is very small, but the voltage is high - to the degree of about several tens of thousands volts.

Teenager Develops $5 Device to Harness Wind and Solar Power

Thirteen years old Maanasa Mendu developed a $5-wind and solar hybrid system to generate renewable energy. Teenagers often manage to amaze us with their forward...

Nanocomposite Materials Make Up New Cheap Piezoelectric Harvester

A new large-area piezoelectric nanogenerator technology has been developed by a team of scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. The...
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