10 Ways to Charge Your Dying Device Battery

There is no single person who has never been in a situation when the battery of his electronic device ran out exactly when it...

Semiconductors Grown on Graphene Could Revolutionize Solar Power and Electronics

Graphene has been receiving a lot of worldwide attention, especially as a replacement for the rare and expensive silicon used in electronic devices today. Work...

Comeback of Vacuum Tube Technology: The Ultimate in Transistor Speed

Electron movements in silicon transistors are limited by collisions and scattering. What if the bumps are removed and the electrons can travel freely in...

Chinese LEDs Get 122% More Efficient by Copper Substrate Transplant

Gallium nitride (GaN) light emitting diodes, or commonly known as LEDs are usually grown on a layer of silicon - that abundant material that...

The Nest Smart Thermostat is Now Available on Amazon

The Nest thermostat has been waited by everyone, despite the scandals with Honeywell, the company who said that Nest stole their patent and applied...

Logitech Keyboard K760 Goes Solar

A state-of-the-art solar-powered keyboard called K760 has been invented by Logitech closely following the release of K750 and Solar Keyboard Folio especially designed for...

400 Million Eco-Friendly Mobile Phones to Be Shipped by 2017

Planning on buying a Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate Android? Go for it: it's 80% recycled! In case you ever felt guilty about how much you...

New PCM Memory Encoding Technique Saves 30% Energy

A new memory technology coming from Rice University and UCLA could slash 30 percent or even more of the energy needed today by flash...

The Story of Send: Google’s Own Way of Saying “Hi, I’m Green!”

You probably found this while googling, so the search giant Google is no stranger to you. Well, they may be giant and all, but...

Revolutionary Butane-Powered Backup Charger to Hit Market This Year

A 10-year-old MIT spinoff, Lilliputian Systems is now ready to commercialize a portable charger that, if priced correctly, will revolutionize batteries and backup charging for...
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