The Story of Send: Google’s Own Way of Saying “Hi, I’m Green!”

You probably found this while googling, so the search giant Google is no stranger to you. Well, they may be giant and all, but...

New PCM Memory Encoding Technique Saves 30% Energy

A new memory technology coming from Rice University and UCLA could slash 30 percent or even more of the energy needed today by flash...

Grad Student Finds Better WiFi Management That Could Save Power

Since its appearance on mobile devices, the Wi-Fi technology has been draining the battery of Windows Mobile, iOS and Android phones continuously. The drain is due to the fact that the more wireless devices are within an area, the more they need to be awake to make data transfers, since so-called "collisions" between them appear all the time.

Intel’s Haswell Chip Family, 50% More Battery Life

Intel's new Haswell chip family reduces power consumption by 50% but increases performance by about 200%. Every three years or so, computing power density doubles, processor chip...

LED Bulbs Get Cheaper and More Competitive Than Ever

Leading lighting companies like Philips Lighting and Cree predict that LED bulbs are soon to overtake the mass-market with their new highly competitive price...

New Heat Dissipation Technique Uses Quantum Cascade Lasers

Lasers have become part of our daily lives, from consumer electronics to telecommunication and medicine, with or without us realizing. The different wavelengths at...

Researchers Find New Way to Make Less Toxic Super-Fast Graphene Transistors

Graphene has a great potential to make electronic devices such as phones, radios and computers smaller and faster. The new graphene-based technology could play a key role in waste reduction and energy conservation.

Logitech Keyboard K760 Goes Solar

A state-of-the-art solar-powered keyboard called K760 has been invented by Logitech closely following the release of K750 and Solar Keyboard Folio especially designed for...

IDT's Solar Powered TFT Proves Itself Cheaper and Greener

Integrated Digital Technologies Inc wants to start production of TFT displays that have solar cells embedded in them. The panels will be called "iScreen", i coming from Interactive.

New Technology Charges Our Gadgets While We Walk

With every new smart phone, or cool portable technology that comes along, the need for having a wireless charger at our disposal at all...
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