Solar iPhone Charger DIY Tutorial

The construction of this universal solar charger is very simple and cheap(only $50) . You don't need to have any familiarity with electronics or prior circuit knowledge. It can be used to charge any device via USB.

Three Low Tech Upcycling Projects That Can Make a Big Difference!

Today it is all about tech. We all love the next breakthrough, the next Tesla, the smart grid that will save us all from our...

How to Build the Simplest Fuel Cell Ever

The simplest fuel cell "burns" hydrogen in a flameless chemical reaction to produce electricity. In order to 'burn' the hydrogen, a fuel cell needs...

How to Make Your Office Greener and Cut Energy Bills

The financial crisis, which began in 2008 and is still picking up speed in many countries around the world, clearly affects the small businesses....

DIY Energy-Saving Kitchen Design in 4 Steps

Kitchen appliances are some of the most electricity-hungry devices in the home. Even seemingly small appliances like toaster ovens consume a surprising 0.75 kWh...

A Solar Panel on Your Car for an Off-Grid Lifestyle

Building a solar panel on your car and disconnecting completely from the grid is quite a challenge even for the most determined of us. However, doing...

How to build a Joe cell free energy device

(Copyright 1998-2005 Educate-Yourself and Ken Adachi. All rights reserved) By Ken Adachi (Ken Adachi, Editor) An Australian man, only identified by the name of Joe...

How to Build a Mini Hydroelectric Generator from Washing Machine Parts

In this video we will see how an old washing machine is converted into a little hydroelectric generator for powering an off the grid...

How to Go Green This Year Without Spending Extra

It is never too late to go green, and there is no better time than the New Year. Unfortunately, it is a common misconception that...

How to Save Energy to Reduce Your Home’s Carbon Footprint

We all hear the big plans politicians and environmentalists have to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, reduce carbon footprint, mitigate climate change and so...
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