20 free and cheap ways to improve energy efficiency at home

A simple attitude towards improving your home energy efficiency is to start with simple and cheap actions....

How to Produce Hydrogen From an Aluminum Soda Can and Water

Here's how you can produce hydrogen to power cars, homes, or even toys. Hydrogen is the cleanest energy carrier in the universe, and is...

10+1 Tips to Driving a Diesel Car Economically

1. First of all, remove the aggressive tendency from your driving habits. I admit I myself like to be aggressive sometimes, it gives me...

How to Make a Bubble Wrap Window Insulation

Here we would like to show you how to improve your window insulation by using bubble wrap. Over the last few days we published a...

12 Ways to Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency

Summer vacations, even day-to-day commutes and other travels, can become costly pretty quick. Between hotel expenses, food, gasoline, entertainment expenditures and souvenirs, taking out a significant...

DIY: How to Build a $1 Magnetic Motor With Some Screws

What you are going to see in this video is nothing you don't know. In fact, I urge any weird-science reader to try and make the device from the video below, respecting the pictured details. I'll make it myself from a hard drive plate and a used scotch tape support. Let's see how much time it works, and if it can be improved.

How to Produce Electricity with Only Paper, a Pencil and Tape

Device made using a pencil, some paper and some tape, can generate enough electricity to power small electronics, courtesy of researchers from University of Tokyo. A...

How to Plan an Eco-Friendly Vacation

For those that are environmentally conscious, there are many frustrations with the travel industry. Due to transportation emissions and lack of opportunities to practice...

DIY: How to Make a Solar Cell at Home From Readily Available Stuff and…...

A very neat experiment that anyone with some skills can do in the garage or kitchen is creating a solar cell out of blackberry juice and titanium dioxide (and several other components).

Build a Joe Cell Hydrogen Generator from a Silicone Tube! (video)

In the times when gas prices rise and rise, and there's no optimistic future for our pockets, hydrogen and Brown's gas generation look more and...