Recycle Old Jeans to Make a Cool Laptop Bag

Sometimes you have to move your laptop and don't have a comfortable and safe way of carrying it. This quick and simple guide will...

Plastic Bottles Greenhouse – How to Build It With Recycled PETs

If you always wanted to have a plastic bottles greenhouse in your garden, but for one reason or another you found it too complicated...

10+1 Tips to Driving a Diesel Car Economically

1. First of all, remove the aggressive tendency from your driving habits. I admit I myself like to be aggressive sometimes, it gives me...

How To: Natural Ant Control

Springtime means that you might be getting some unwelcome house guests. Ants become active after the cold winter, and many people struggle to control...

How To Make a 3D Printer While Reducing E-waste

The alarming rate of production of various electronics and high-tech gadgets, and respectfully the ever-so-growing amount of e-waste that is being generated, calls for...

Homemade Water Distiller Built in Less Than an Hour

Here is a simple but efficient homemade water distiller that should be able to help us meet our daily water needs. As one of the...

How to Make a Pedal Powered Smoothie Maker

Would you like to take "healthy living" to the next level? Follow this tutorial and make your own pedal-powered smoothie maker. We all know that...

DIY Solar Cell from Tea and Donuts

The Holy Grail of energy has been, is, and will be the solar power. Numerous solutions of converting solar power have existed along the centuries, and people have always used the Sun to power things up, except for the last hundred years or so - that's the main reason we all got into troubles with mother nature.

How to Make Your Office Greener and Cut Energy Bills

The financial crisis, which began in 2008 and is still picking up speed in many countries around the world, clearly affects the small businesses....

DIY Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Design (VAWT) from PVC Pipes

In this consumerism ruled times, the world needs to know ways to do stuff. When electricity generation is predicted to become more expensive (it's like they predict an invasion of electric vehicles), people need to build their own power generating systems for their independence.
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