NASA F/A-18A Full Scale Advanced Systems Testbed

New Flight Control System Increases Fuel Efficiency

Even if you can't afford to purchase a fuel efficient vehicle, you can still maximize your fuel efficiency by driving intelligently. Avoiding overspeed, keeping...

New Research Showing Fabrication Pattern for Higher-Temperature Superconductors

Researchers from Princeton University, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry in Japan, using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, have discovered how in a superconducting material, at a nano-scale level, regions with stronger superconductivity helped regions with weaker superconductivity survive when exposed to higher temperature.

Google Promotes Greener Building Materials for Better Indoor Health

Imagine being in an office where toxic chemicals are contained in desks, carpets, ceiling tiles, and paint. Many people are unaware of potentially toxic...

Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Replace Indium-Oxide in Screen Displays

A breakthrough development emerged from the U.S Department of Energy’s (DOE) Ames Laboratory. Scientists have discovered a way to replace breakable metal-oxide, indium tin...
Even if you can turn off the game, the cable box is the second-worst energy vampire in your home.

Energy Vampire Numero Uno is Your Cable Box!

The modern home is full of electrical and electronic devices, just about all of which are energy vampires, that is, they continue to use...

Newly Developed Light Sensor Could Improve Solar Cells and Cameras

Scientists at the University of Toronto have created a new type of light sensor that acts like a pixel in a digital camera. Researchers believe the sensor, which takes advantage of a phenomenon called multi-exciton generation (MEG), could lead to substantial advancements in the performance of a variety of electronic devices including digital cameras.

Sewage Could Be a New Way For Cheap Hydrogen

In the field of hydrogen fuel cell production, Oregon State University researchers have discovered that sewage can produce cheap hydrogen. In comparison with traditional electrolysis technology, sewage can produce hydrogen at a lower cost.
Nanoscale Wireless Device Developed at Columbia University

Super Efficient Nanoscale Wireless Devices Produced

Don't let anyone tell you any differently, but size does matter. This is just as true when we take a look at how computing...

LED-powered Christmas Tree

Ever thought about how much electricity does your Christmas tree consume? You need not to be scarce, but think on big scale how many...

Google's Self-Driving Cars Could Save Lives And Fuel At The Same Time

In secret and in plain view, Google's seven test cars have driven more than 140,000 miles with little intervention from humans, out of which 1,000 were totally autonomous. The program could save lives and fuel, because computers are not heavy-footed and do not accelerate more than necessary and don't brake right after that, like many humans do.