Comparison Between Typical Power Transmission Cables and Superconducting Cables, Both Rated at 12,500 Amps

Superconductors Could Increase Wind Turbine Efficiency

One of the great limitations in any electrical or electronic system is resistance. Electrical resistance, measured in “Ω” or ohms, is not a constant,...

Superconducting Generators Increase Wind Power Plant Efficiency

Experts believe that wind power will be the key in the quest for alternative energy solutions. After years of research, scientists have determined that...

Atom Cooling Leads to Greater Understanding of Superconductors

The processes that occur when atoms cool have long eluded scientists. However, a team of researchers at The Open University believe they have developed...

Superconducting Wire Generates and Transports Electricity, Wins Additional Funding

As part of a wind energy project, a superconducting wire that can generate and transport electricity brought to a team of engineering researchers at...

Swiss High-Temperature Superconductor Discovery Could Change The Grid Forever

A team of researchers from EPFL's Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism could change the way people transmit electricity and the efficiency of the process. Their...

SMES: New Energy Storing Technology by ABB Using Electromagnetic Fields and Superconductivity

ABB, a Swiss-based engineering company, has presented a prototype of their innovative superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), at a DOE ARPA-E conference which took place in Washigton D.C. at the beginning of this month. Their 3.3 kWh proof-of-concept SMES is not very cost-effective for the moment, but may one day provide cleaner storage solutions for excess alternative energy.

Scientists Explain Limitations of High Temperature Superconductors in High Currents

Since their discovery in late 1980s, superconductors were thought to revolutionize everything that had an electric current flowing, but allowing it to pass through more easily, and with much less heat produced. Ultra-efficient magnetic trains had been envisioned, then, but ...

Scientists Discover Nano-Scale Superconducting Material

Researchers from the Bar-Ilan University in Israel, collaborating with the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the U.S. have designed superconducting thin films patterned with large arrays of nanowires and loops. The temperature at which they superconduct is pretty low and hard to get for the moment - only 30 °K (-243°C). Magnetic fields have proved themselves to change the material's electrical resistance in an unexpected manner.

Molecular-Level Superconducting Material Discovered by Ohio Scientists

A sheet less than a nanometer wide and four pairs of molecules now constitutes the world's smallest superconductor and proves that superconducting nanoscale materials can be made, an obvious advance for nano-scaled electronics and energy applications.

New Research Showing Fabrication Pattern for Higher-Temperature Superconductors

Researchers from Princeton University, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry in Japan, using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, have discovered how in a superconducting material, at a nano-scale level, regions with stronger superconductivity helped regions with weaker superconductivity survive when exposed to higher temperature.