Infiniti M35 Hybrid Sedan To Be Unveiled At Los Angeles Auto Show
Infiniti is believed to unveil the much expected M hybrid sedan at the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show. The M35 Hybrid uses a 3.5-liter motor and can work solely on electric power in certain driving conditions, according to the manufacturer.
Obama's New Law will Require Automakers to Add Sounds to Quiet Vehicles
It is likely that the blind and other pedestrians will be alerted by adding different sounds to cars since a bill was signed into law by Barack Obama, the U.S. president.
Honda To Release a Plug-In Hybrid in 2012
The Japanese car manufacturer Honda announced it will launch a plug-in hybrid car and one with full electric propulsion. These two models will be released in 2012, as part of the strategy to push themselves to the front of a race by global automakers to produce more energy-efficient vehicles.
Volvo Plays Around With Range Extending Technology in 3 Newly Announced Concepts
Volvo prepares to launch three different prototypes of range extending electric vehicles (RE-EV) in order to find the best ways of implementing hybrid technology which resembles that found in the Chevy Volt. The company plans to start testing the vehicles at the beginning of 2012.
The New Toyota Prius to Have Smaller NiMH Batteries
The NiMH battery is rechargeable, similar to a nickel-cadmium battery except with double to triple the capacity and energy density approaching a lithium-ion battery....
SAAB BioPower Hybrid Concept
* Innovative hybrid concept based on pure bioethanol
* Zero fossil CO2 emissions in all modes
* 260 hp Saab BioPower engine running on E100...
Toyota Hybrid X Concept Car seeking approval from government
According to Asahi, a daily Japanese trade rag which we don't know how to read, Toyota will officially be asking for permission from Japan's...
How Hybrid and Electric Cars Compete With Gas-Powered Performance
There's been a great deal of attention placed on electric cars in the past couple of weeks, specifically when it comes to racing. Not...