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Top 5 Green Gadgets and Initiatives at the Consumer Electronics Show 2019


The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is yet again very special for all green technology supporters. The show managed to gather the best of the best in the business of development of green gadgets. Of course, it would not be CES if the organizers did not put together the CES Green guide.

Las Vegas is currently hosting one of my most favorite events- the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the biggest annual gadget event. Here innovators and leaders in the world of electronics showcase their latest super cool developments.

This year the organizers managed to ensure no one leaves disappointed. The technologies are truly amazing, waking up the hidden geek inside even the toughest among us. As always, green technologies are very well represented too. On display this week is a wide range of sustainable products and ideas- from smart cities and green fuels to futuristic vehicles and wearable devices. Of course, CES would not be the same without the annual edition of the CES Green Guide.

The guide provides a unique opportunity to get familiar with all sustainability exhibitors prior to your visit to CES 2019. You can read about all innovative companies present at the show, and get to know their eco-friendly products, awards that they grant and receive, as well as future sustainable plans and ambitions.  There is also a listing of the Green Tech events, and awards that you can enter with your green idea or invention. Last but not least, there is a link to Green Gadgets initiative (I will post it here because I find it very cool) for self assessment, where you can see what you can do to live a greener life.

So here is my top 5 in no particular order. Of course, there are quite a few more, so if you think my selection is not entirely fair, do visit the Green Guide for a full overview, and let me know in the comments section what you found worth mentioning in the top 5.

The Stroom Master system

The Stroom Master system by NOXTAK, reduces power consumption and suppresses all EMI/RFI and DPA. Equipped with the SPIRO® technology, Stroom Master filters electropollution in the wiring as well as in the immediate environment. It basically neutralizes all types of electropollution.

Motion-S telematics platform

Motion-S’s telematics platform offers intelligent data solutions to help measure the risk, eco-efficiency and dynamic pricing in mobility. Thanks to data augmentation and contextualization, the users of the platform can be sure their vehicles are safer, greener and more efficient.

B-hyve Sprinkler Timer

The B-hyve Sprinkler Timer makes irrigation that little bit cleaner. It allows you to water in a smart way providing information on ecological needs of your lawn. It also comes with a smartphone app, which allows remote control from anywhere in the world.

Aibo by Sony

Sony’s latest generation of Aibo, the line of robotic dogs, keeps the environment in mind. Aibo arrives to their future owner, wrapped and protected from damage, in a felt package produced from 50% recycled PET plastic bottles. The U.S. relaunch of Aibo, which was announced a few months ago. Since re-introducing it in Japan this past January, Sony says it has already sold over 20,000 Aibo units over a seven-month period

The Flex House

The Flex house is the latest addition to the  Green Builder Media’s VISION House demonstration project series. The house is full of advanced technologies, allowing homeowners to estimate with precision how much resources they need. In this way, they only use what they have to and never waste money or pollute the environment.

Main image (c) CES, Support images (C) various

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