Scientists Fix the Process of Photosynthesis

Scientists discovered a way to fix one of nature's biggest flaws. They improved the process of photosynthesis and demonstrated huge boost in biomass production. Did...

Earth’s Rotational Poles are Shifting South, and We’re to Blame

In the past decade, we've been hearing news of all sorts (official or not) about the Earth changing its North rotational pole. Now, NASA's...

Climate Change – Bill Nye Explains Why It’s a Problem

Aside from our disagreements on some things, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” has an exceptionally valid point when it comes to why this climate...

Elon Musk on Nuking Mars, Greenhouse Effect and CO2

Right now on Earth, the greenhouse effect is seen as a bad thing, but it's easy to see why it's important when looking at...

Researchers Capture Carbon Dioxide and Turn it Back to Coal

Researchers discovered a way to turn carbon dioxide back into coal. Carbon capture as a mean for mitigation of climate change, is quite a hot...

Global Forest Watch Monitors Deforestation Almost in Real Time

Global Forest Watch is a new interactive online tool, which helps monitoring and management of world's forest cover. Backed by Google, UNEP and USAid among...

Climate Change: Giraffes Spotted in the Snow

Along with climate changes, safari animals such as giraffes, elephants, rhinoceroses, and antelopes were seen to exhibit behavioral changes. These animals that are usually...

Jet Stream Messed Up, Accelerating Climate Change

The effects of man-made greenhouse gas emissions is worse than we thought.  Not only is it melting the polar caps, there is also evidence...

Biodegradable Trash Not Good For The Environment, Scientists Say

Everyone knows that biodegradable products are the best for the environment, and just because they disintegrate quickly they aren't a threat to anything... it seems not. Not that non-biodegradable materials are any better, but a recent study from North Carolina State University says biodegradable products are responsible for high methane emissions, a gas whose greenhouse effects are much more potent than those of CO2.

We Finally Found Out Why Earth’s North Rotational Pole Moves

Back in year 2000, scientists noted that the North rotational pole of the Earth is shifting. The phenomenon has been studied extensively since then....