New York is Building a Wall to Hold Back the Ocean When Superstorm Sandy slammed into the East Coast in 2012, New York City was devastated. Winds blew in at 80 mph, and storm surges...
In the arctic, some point to disappearing ice shelves and methane plumes as proof that climate change is happening. In the permafrost of the Russian steppe, people point at holes in the ground.

Big Hole in Russia Appearing Due to Climate Change

Thanks to ever-increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that human activity is pumping into the atmosphere, climate change is increasing average...

Electric Cars Alone Not Enough to Save Us, Study Claims

A team of scientists has written to the Committee of Climate Change warning that if the UK’s 31.5 million cars are replaced by electric...

Botswana Taps into the World’s Largest Coal Reserve

No climate talks can stop Botswana's government. The country has allowed mining of the world's largest untouched coal reserve. Last month, millions united in the...

Scientists Gene Edit Plants to Be Better at Capturing Carbon

It’s not enough for humans to pump less carbon into the atmosphere. To address climate change, many experts say we’re going to need to...

The Untold Impact of Airplanes on Climate

The damage that air traffic causes to the environment goes way beyond carbon dioxide emissions. When we talk about airplanes and their influence on climate...

Global Warming Accelerated by Air Pollution

It’s long been known that tiny particles can impact air quality greatly and cause a host of health problems. However, European scientists have discovered...

Major Heatwave Breaks Records Over Northern and Western Europe

Unprecedented heatwaves across Western and Northern Europe are making history. Or are they? Perhaps this is just the start. Expats in the Netherlands often repeat...

Study: Columbia Glacier to Stop Melting In 2020

Since the 1980’s, Alaska’s Columbia Glacier has been decreasing in size, from 41 miles long to only 34 miles long at present, making it...

Alternative Ways to Take Part in the Climate Strike Today

The World's biggest climate strike is taking place today ahead of the upcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York. Do you want...