Low-Priced Chinese Solar Cells Pose Huge Threat to German Solar Industry

Things are going bad for the German solar manufacturing industry, just as they have been for the U.S. one. The enemy are the low...

EV Battery Maker A123 Dropping Fast, Funding Needed

There are sharp declines in the financial position of lithium-ion battery manufacturer A123 Systems, fanning in a lot of heat on this 10-year-old company...

Americans Willing to Pay Extra for Clean Energy, Study Says

Barack Obama’s January 2011 State of the Union address called for a National Clean Energy Standard (NCES) that would target having 80% of all...

Microsoft to Become Carbon Neutral by Internally Taxing Carbon Emitted by Own Offices

Microsoft is going green starting July - the latest news tell that's for sure. However they're not taking the Facebook or Apple approach to...

Solar Power Doesn’t Get Subsidized More Than Coal, Study Reports

Complaints that renewable solar energy has received special incentives advanced by the U.S. government different from its support for traditional energy sources may be...

Cleantech Industry Falling Due to Reduced Government Incentives, Study Says

Scholars at the Brookings Institution and the Oakland’s Breakthrough Institute are to release a report on Wednesday that warns that there is a sharp...

U.S. EV Battery Maker A123’s Shares Drop to 82 Cents After Defect Scandal

A123, the famous U.S.-based electric car battery maker has big problems. Yesterday, their shares closed at 82 cents, after news spread out on March...

How The U.S. Is Really Doing in the Renewable Energy Sector

You may have realized a while ago that in a few decades from now, the renewable energy sources like wind, sun and geothermal will...

European Report Expects Diminished Use of Biofuels

One alternative source of energy grows in trees...or almost! I'm talking about plants involved in the production of biofuels, like sugarcane, corn or palm...

New Federal Law Regulates How Renewable Energy Is Transmitted Through The Grid

How frustrating is it to build a wind turbine or install a solar panel which produces energy and then have no possibility of transmitting...