Trump Blocks G7 Climate Goals and May Back Out From Paris Accords

The G7 Meeting that just wrapped up in Taormina, Sicily may mark a watershed moment in 21st century geopolitics. A normally conservative Angela Merkel was...

“BioRisk” Explains Efficient and Sustainable Land Management For Biofuel Production

Ever since the production of feedstock for bioenergy gained popularity, the big discussion about indirect land-use change started.  There is never enough land available...

Walmart and UPS are Soon Electrifying Their Fleets

The tipping point is on the horizon; Walmart and UPS fleets will soon be completely electrified. Under pressure from regulators and customers to ditch fleets...

France Invests Ten Billion Euros In Their First Offshore Wind Project

The aim is to build 600 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 3,000 megawatts, said French President Nicolas Sarkozy. He did not specify where these plants will be located.

Locally Grown Biofuels Promoted and Funded by U.S. Government

The Obama Administration wants to help the biofuel industry develop. The government is thus investing $8.9 million to award nine companies in seven states for improving their genetic breeding programs for creating plants better suited for biofuel.

NYU Professor Points Out Why Alternative Energy Production Doesn't Grow As Expected

There are scientists who are optimistic about the chances we have to heal the planet and reduce its warming, scientists who are definitely rejecting anything related to global warming, saying it doesn't exist, and scientists who are butt-kickers and telling the world what works and what doesn't. Martin Hoffert, from the University of New York, is one of the third kind, in my opinion.
Washington State

Washington State’s Annual EV Tax is Logical – But Why?

Most people realize that a major part of the price of fuel is taxes, 37.5¢/gal in Washington State. This tax goes to pay for...

Andrew Wheeler’s EPA Looks Like More of the Same

The EPA in the US needs to change its name. The new head of the EPA has no desire to protect the environment. Andrew...
Climate Change Comes from Global Addiction to Fossil Fuels

Addressing Climate Change – The Great Hypocrisy

Now that we've had a chance to consider IPCC AR5, that is, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report, there's...

1,000 New Jobs To Be Created by SunPower Corp., for Government Solar Powered Systems

The SunPower Corp. has plans to develop new solar installations for the U.S. Navy, Air Force, General Services Administration and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.