PNNL’s New EV Battery: 7x Longer Lifespan, 2 to 3 Times Longer Range

The transport sector remains a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and electric vehicles can eliminate this generation of pollutants. Still, there are factors...

Quasi-one-dimensional Metallic Conductivity for Faster, Advanced Electronics

Since its discovery in 2004, researchers have been exploring 2D electron gas due to its unique electric properties and how it could be of...

These RoboBees from Japan Can Legitimately Pollinate the Earth

With natural bees being reported as dying at an unprecedented rate, researchers have come up with the idea of developing “RoboBees” or bee-like drones...

Single Molecule Piezoelectricity Opens New Opportunities for Nanodevices

Piezoelectricity – the principle behind a quartz watch, voice recognition software, microphones, etc. – is the conversion of mechanical energy into electricity and vice...

7 Reasons Why New Cell-Inspired Membrane Revolutionizes Water Treatment and Metal Recovery

Gecko’s feet for adhesion, lotus leaf for hydrophobicity, moth’s eyes for reduction of reflectivity in solar cells, and electric eels for power generation –...

This Is How Your Own Body Can Generate Electricity

When our personal smart devices run out of batteries and we forgot to bring chargers, and worse, we are stuck in a place where...

4 Reasons This New Material Could Make Up Biodegradable Cars

Even though the bodyworks of cars can be recycled, the process would require a huge amount of energy to make use of these metals...

Why Cryptocurrencies’ Energy Consumption Will Drop Dramatically

The massive energy consumption of bitcoin has been a hot issue as it is estimated to require more electricity than 159 countries. As a...

3 Reasons to Reuse Old Clay Roof Tiles

Terracotta tiles are the oldest type of material used in building houses even before the time of Christ. These ceramic tiles can last a...

Stretchable fabrics power integrated sensors and wearables

Last decade saw an evolution of fabrics to suit the body temperature`s rise under exercising. The effect is to help regulate temperature and disseminate sweating thus...