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For Green Geeks: GM Cooperating With Google to Install Android on Volt


GM is currently in talks with Google for a joint venture to develop an integrated car system based on the Android OS, of which you may have heard lately. They also say Android is going to be animating Chevy Volt’s interface. Ford had also set a deal with Microsoft, Google’s main competitor, and equipped newly-emerged cars with a similar system called “Sync“.

The smartphone OS from Google will allow Volt’s user to pair their smartphone (that for sure most Volt owners would have, due to their electric car geekiness). More than Microsoft’s system does for the moment, the Android will be able to start your car, open doors, adjust any part of the car by remote, or even better – incorporating GPS functions, for intelligent theft protection.

I mean… how geek is that? The Android is based on Linux. What more could you want, if you’re around 30 and you caught the era in which cars were cars, phones were phones, and the car would only start by turning a key, and worked on gasoline… Now, things start to blend into each other, and this was an expected moment. To tell you the truth, I like the idea! Maybe my kids will take all these for granted and won’t feel the same.

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  1. The energy needs of tomorrow will be through the continued harmonious merger of technology and information systems. Even the car is getting smarter with computers tracking and putting in place all the information that a consumer needs to make good decisions. To solve our society’s energy needs, we will need a smart network to ensure that energy use is put to better practice. The tech nerd in myself loves this idea, good article!
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