Ballast Water Management for Marine Biodiversity

Restricting the spread of invasive marine species has been a major challenge (both financially and technologically) for many commercial-scale boat/ship operators. Despite improvements in...
BYD China Could See Increased Sales if Electric Vehicle Incentives are Reinstated

Electric Vehicle Incentives to Resume in China by May

China expects to resume electric vehicle incentives sometime in the next couple of months, which will help defray the extra cost of buying more...
China Will Reduce Coal Consumption (When Pigs Fly)

China’s Power Mix Will Be Dominated by Coal for Decades

China’s economic growth is very much at odds with her environmental problems. As the economy grows, so does need for power, two-thirds of which...

Adidas Reveals 100% Recyclable Running Shoes That Live Forever

Adidas' latest invention is recyclable running shoes, which have infinite number of lives. Once the owner no longer wants to use them, he can...

How To Make a Low Temperature Differential (LTD) Stirling Engine

LTD stirling engines are interesting. They harvest the temperature difference of the environment versus a cold object, and using this they power some pumps. I...

Forests Do Better Job When Uncut Than Burned as Biofuels, Researchers Say

They say forests are Earth's lungs - ok, but they're after all biomass, and we could cut them for a profit and still stay...

Classic French Cars Could Get Banned From Paris

Change is hard, and sometimes drastic, and in the case of Paris' Mayor Bertrand Delanoe, grounds for accusation. Delanoe has been trying for more...
Cleaning oil spills nanotechnology

Lotus Leaves Could Hold the Key to Cleaning Oil Spills

Fun fact - lotus leaves naturally repel water but not oil. Sounds simple but this design may be the answer to cleaning oil spills...

Trump Slashes Grants to the EPA and Cuts Any Public Communication

Donald Trump may be at the forefront of an unmitigated ecological disaster. Very...

We May Save The Planet If We Run Out Of Gas?

Indeed, it does seem that the Earth will run out of oil, natural gas and coal much more quickly than was, originally, anticipated by...