EU Ensures Proper Electronic Waste Disposal through Radio-Frequency Tracking

Less than 40% of the nine million tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that Europe produces is treated according to environmental and...

Sunblockers Pollute The Ocean and Impact Marine Life

On the subject of marine pollution, passion can let itself off....easily!  It can be because of the ocean's beauty and vastness, or because its...

Plastics Industry Knew About Ocean Pollution Long Time Ago

The scientific community has reported plastic ocean pollution to be an issue for quite some time now, although for laymen is becoming a visible...

Tracks of Shipping Pollution Indicate Link to Nitrogen Dioxide

NASA has been using satellite imagery to collect data on the tracks ships leave when they cross bodies of water. Tracking this visible shipping...

Wind-Carried Pollutant Particles Concentrate In Unexpected Patterns in Cities

Pollutant particles prefer to accumulate in specific regions in cities and form coherent structures, a team of researchers at the Arizona State University in...
San Joaquin Valley smog

Smog from Asia Affects California, Study

The Researchers of University of California, concluded that 10 percent of the Ozone pollution of San Joaquin Valley is due to the second-hand smog...

Carbon Dioxide From Emissions to Feed Norwegian Salmon

After numerous discussions, the scientific world has reached a consensus on at least one of the numerous issues related to climate change. This is...

Japan’s Emissions Slightly Rise, But Not From Nuclear Shutdown

The earthquake that terrorized Japan in 2011 led to the shutdown of nuclear energy. There was an increase in CO2 emissions by 11.8 percent...

CO2 collected in sponges by Atmospheric Carbon CapturE SystemS

The ACCESS, as you can see in the title, was developed by Global Research Technologies in Tucson, Arizona. They made a sponge-based system that...

UK Supermarket Meets 100% of Its Energy Demands from Food Waste

Generating electricity from food waste and leftovers- not a new concept at all. But using the electricity generated from expired produce to fully power...