Canadian Oil Train Derails and Explodes, Dozens Evacuated

On Tuesday night, a Canadian freight train carrying crude oil and propane derailed in a sparsely populated region of northwestern New Brunswick, leading to...

How to Minimize Waste By Repairing Broken Household Items

There is no doubt that the first reaction we have when our household essentials break down is to run to the store and get...
New York City is the "eye" of a suburban carbon dioxide "hurricane"

Surburban Carbon Dioxide “Hurricanes” Surround Major Cities

Thanks to research being done at the University of California at Berkeley, we can see, in a striking way, where the carbon dioxide emissions...

Project Resumes Agricultural Practices In Fukushima, Alongside Solar Power Plant

You would expect that after a major nuclear disaster, the region around the plant will be a designated area, left unused and deserted. But...

Whiskey Waste Used to Purify Water Saves Lives in Bangladesh

Lack of clean drinking water in many parts of the developing world is threatening millions of lives every day. Not only that fresh water...

Plastisphere, The New Ocean Ecosystem Created From Waste

Have you heard of the plastisphere? It is a real thing. And it is an entirely new ecosystem in the Pacific that we, the...

NY’s Biggest Wastewater Treatment Plant Accepts Food Waste, Produces Biogas For Grid

New York City is about to become the proud owner of the biggest wastewater biogas plant, which will supply sustainable energy to the national...
Kitimat, British Columbia, Environment, For Now

Environment Ignored as Canadian Oil Pipeline is Recommended

In spite of the proven-disastrous-to-the-environment track record of oil pipelines, a new pipeline has been approved for construction in Canada. The evidence shows that all...

Venezuela’s 5 Cents/Gallon Gasoline Prices Could Go Up. Good News or Bad News?

Venezuela, like much of South America, has vast underground riches in the form of petroleum and mineral reserves. Gasoline prices are, for lack of...

Obama’s Plan: Greening Up Coal Power Plants by Stimulating Oil Extraction

Is it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while encouraging investors to put their money on coal-fired power plants and oil? According to Barack Obama's...