Lithium-Sulfur Batteries With 5-10 Times Increased Capacity

Even if lithium-ion batteries are more known on the market and considered the most reliable, cheap and safe to use, lithium-sulfur batteries are catching up fast. There were several problems reported to the lithium-sulfur batteries but they will be solved in the close future as the capacity of the lithium-sulfur batteries is several times the one of the lithium-ion.

Automatic Electric Car Battery Swapping System by Better Place

I was talking in an earlier article about the possibility of electric car battery swapping systems installed on the roads, instead of gas stations. Mercedes did some testing back in the 70's, and concluded that a battery swapping system was both inefficient and dangerous if it would have been implemented with the technology existing at the time.

Innovative Lithium-Air Batteries (STAIR) Improve Lifetime Ten Fold

Scientists from the University of St. Andrews, partnering with Strathclyde and Newcastle have discovered a method of making clean batteries that also have a chemical reaction, but do not carry a chemical component used in batteries today. Instead, they use a reaction with the oxygen drawn from the air to generate electricity.

Carbon Nanotubes Making Printable Supercapacitors Possible

Printed solar panels are now a reality due to special dyes. But who ever thought of printed batteries? Research in the field of supercapacitors has brought this innovation into question, and, with the help of the almighty carbon nanotubes, printable supercapacitors have now been realized. They perform just as well as other supercapacitors, but excel in lightness and flexibility.

Ultracapacitors Made of Bulk Glass Tripled Their Storage Capacity

I guess I don't have to emphasize the importance of batteries in an electric car economy of the future. I also don't have to tell anyone that many manufacturers pursue making ultracapacitors for their ability to quickly charge, discharge, and store a huge amount of energy - the perfect combination for an on-the-fly highway recharging.

Hitachi Announcing 4.5kW Car Li-Ion Battery Soon on Market

Although it has many opponents even among green technology sustainers, the good-old battery still evolves to help us have those all-electric vehicles beneath us, and make us drive cleaner and faster than ever.

Mechanical Battery – Flywheel-Powered 90% Efficient Energy Storage

We have been so focused on chemical storage systems lately, that some us forget other old, seemingly more efficient, mechanical batteries. Such a battery is the flywheel. Several successful experiments have been carried out in the last 50 years, and the flywheel's applications ranged from acting as a UPS for a hospital to putting an entire train to movement and then to cruise speed, only by its power.

Japanese Optical Fiber Solar Cell Harvesting Infrared

New types of solar cells emerge every month, but this particular kind has caught my attention, not due to its efficiency (approx 1%), but to the idea that conceived it.

MIT Seeks Federal Funds for Developing Possibly Hazardous Virus Battery

Viruses seemed like a frightened enemy that kept standing in our way for the past... million years. Although they have their qualification and role in the ecosystem, we seem to hate viruses and only associate them will our colds, hepatitis, and other illnesses. Not for a moment we could think of them as of a power source.

Seeo Presents 300 Watt-Hour/Kg Solid Polymer Electrolyte Battery

Lithium-ion batteries are used in all the gadgets that surround us, and in the forthcoming electric cars. New versions of them are on their way, and one month after another brings news about new emerging technologies.