“Mi Teleferico” – The Cable Car With Clean Air and Solar Powered Lighting

Another creative and environmentally friendly way to commute is  available to residents of La Paz, Bolivia. Called Mi Teleferico, which translates to "My Cable...

How to Keep Food Cool Without Electricity

Evaporative cooling was used as early as the Old Kingdom of Egypt, around 2500 B.C. As you can imagine, a clay pot cooler does...

Novel coating to keep buildings cool without air-conditioning

Air-conditioning can account for more than 40% of the domestic energy consumption, and contributes to greenhouse emissions by making use of chemical refrigerants such...

Floating Bins Cleaning Up Marinas Worldwide

“If we have rubbish bins on land, then why not in the water?” It was this simple question that led surfers Pete Ceglinski and...

Eco-Friendly Restaurant Has Air-purifying Walls Made of Salt

Iranian restaurant, built from salt, sets a new trend in eco-friendly building and design. The salt is derived from local salt mines and a salt...
AlerioSupermileage 2015winner

Student-Made 2098 mpg Car Won the SAE Supermileage Competition

2098 mpg is the mileage achieved by the Quebec's Laval University team, which won the SAE Supermileage competition, this year. Living in an age of impending climate...

Flare: The Most Time-, Cost- and Energy-Efficient Cooking Pot

Cooking at home is great, and certainly a lot more healthy (for your body and your pocket) than eating out. Unfortunately, cooking takes up...

HeLi-on – Super Compact Portable Solar Charger Fits in Any Pocket

HeLi-on is a folding portable solar panel and energy storage device, which can fit in your pocket, ready to 'roll' at any time. Portable energy...

ADAK Trailer – The Ultimate Off-Grid Camping Adventure

If you are looking for a camping adventure, which is more than a couple of weeks long and away from muggles, then your best...

Idénergie’s River Turbine Generates Energy from Flowing Water

A fresh new project on Kickstarter takes on the ancient idea of water mills and creates a modern river turbine that can provide cheap and...