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Yahoo Will Build the Most Green and Efficient Data Center


Niagara-FallsYahoo is going green! This news was presented at a press conference in Buffalo, New York, by Yahoo representatives a few days ago. In a world where everybody needs to turn green and needs to make use of as much as possible clean energy sources, Yahoo is making a big step.

Addressing the climate change problem, Yahoo plans to construct a new building that will be powered by renewable energy sources. The building called the Yahoo! Computing Coop (because it looks like something chicken live in) will be one of the most green-efficient data centers in the world. Most of the energy that the green data center will need, will power the servers and they consume a lot of electricity. Now everybody is wondering where does the clean energy come from? Yahoo! Computing Coop in Lockport, NY, will be sustained by renewable hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls.

The yearly PUE (power usage effectiveness) is expected to be 1.1 or better. The coop design helps the green building to use 100% of outside air to cool the servers, as well as taking advantage of Buffalo’s microclimate.

Two years ago Yahoo started to build their own data centers and from that moment on they have pushed for zero-carbon locations. The target is to reduce energy carbon footprint with 40% by 2014 and to encourage the entire industry to make the step towards renewable energy. But not only the building designs must improve, but also the efficiency of the servers.

Just to give you an idea why these actions are so important I can tell you that only Yahoo! is running for more than 500 million people around the world which translates into a huge number of server power. But Yahoo is not the only one building green data centers as Google and IBM have already started similar actions in the past.

We will see more and more companies going green in the next few years and lets hope they don’t take so much time to implement renewable energy sources to power their activity.

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  1. I came across this site because i am looking to become more efficient and green in my lifestyle.I guess i got tired of all the paper sent home with my kids from school with book offers and silly stuff that it dawned on me how wasteful we are as a society.

    My wife got tired of me complaining about all the wasted paper from school and why they don’t just use email to send us this stuff.After a school year i could fill up two regular size recycle bins with the paper they send home with my kids.My wife said we should start making small changes at home and see how far we can go.

    So,i’m looking for a place to start and a lot of the ideas here advanced so i was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or ideas.I came across a few cool sites that were very helpful especially this going green site.I thought there was some great ideas that made sense but i am trying to take in as much as i can from wherever i can so any input or thoughts would be appreciated.Thanks


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