Startup Proterro Engineers Bacteria For Higher Ethanol-Producing Sugar Yield

Princeton-based startup Proterro has announced the development of a technology that can produce sugar, the main source for ethanol, by using engineered cyanobacteria, photosynthetic organisms that can produce sucrose through a normally-occurring defense system.

Zero Carbon Pork Processing Farm – The First in The U.S.

Witness Russ Kremer, the leader of a group of 51 family farmers who sell meat under the brand of Heritage Acre Foods and a Missouri-based hog farmer plan to build the United States' first zero-waste pork processing plant, 100% powered by biodiesel.

Algae Screen: A New Technology That Kills The Algae's Enemies Without Chemicals Unveiled Today

Algae Screen, a new technology that can help oil algae growth much easier by killing microscopic predators, without the use of chemicals, has been announced today by Origin Oil. The company's press release says that their technology uses electromagnetic pulses to kill the microscopic invaders.

Kenyan Forests Endangered by European Biofuel Crops, Local Protesters Say

Cutting down forests for the sake of planting zero-carbon biofuel crops is like fighting for peace - war will generate even more war. Kenya's Dakatcha Woodlands seems to face such an issue, since European companies seeking to harvest biofuel crops want to destroy the forest.

Microwave-Burnt Biomass Could Help "Black" Energy Industry Become Cleaner

James Clark, the director of the University of York's Green Center of Excellence, will present some of the newest chemical technologies that could help producing clean biofuels and at the same time eliminate waste, at the Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Wastewater-Grown Algae Yield Biodiesel and Clean the Water, Too

Finding new methods of processing wastewater really impresses me every time. Using a combination of wastewater and algae to produce biodiesel is even more touching, because it's "doubly green", as the algae neutralize water pathogens as they feed and eat out carbon dioxide to produce fuel.

New Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Provides Cheap Grid Energy From CNG and Biogas

VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland began testing a large-scale prototype of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) that, according to the organization, will provide cheap and efficient grid power from biogas and natural gas. Using a single 10 kW planar SOFC stack, the system is capable of generating clean energy for a typical apartment block throughout an entire year.

Genetically Modified Switchgrass Offers Bright Perspective on Bioethanol

Ethanol is already being used to supplement gasoline, as you may already know. Still, researchers are trying to find methods to produce bio-ethanol from plant sources that are both less costly to grow and to process, while at the same time keeping the efficiency into account. Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers found how newly-modified prairie grass may be the perfect candidate.

Xylofuel Using Cow Rumen Microbes to Transform Hydrogen and CO2 Into Alcohol and Gasoline-Like...

Scientists at Xylofuel LLC, a startup from Columbia, MD, discovered microorganisms that convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen to alcohols and hydrocarbons similar to the components of gasoline. The gases are inexpensive to produce as industrial byproducts or from heating or anaerobic digestion of biomass. The fuels produced by microbial isolates include hexane and other medium length alkanes.

Put In Beer and Pop, Get Ethanol – Example of Canada's Newest Waste Recycling...

A plant that will eat up waste pop soda and beer and will output ethanol good for pouring in fuel tanks will be set up by the end of February in Atlantic Canada. The $500,000 pilot plant, is part of a project led by New Brunswick Community College's bioenergy and bioproducts applied research and technology facility in Grand Falls, New Brunswick, located near the Maine border.