UK Student Designs Bioplastic out of Fish Scales and Skin

UK student invents new-generation bioplastics. Can this be the solution to one of the world's biggest pollution problems? It is this time of the year...
Topo Map on TyVek Waterproof Material

Teijin’s Waterproof Paper Made of Recycled Plastic Bottles

There's always another use for recycled materials, Teijin's new waterproof paper is made of recycled plastic bottles and can be put in a standard...

Mushrooms – Nature’s Recyclers and Pollution-Zappers

For ages, man has eaten mushrooms as a gustatory delight, some even to the point of intoxication like medicine men and other people out...

Build a Joe Cell Hydrogen Generator from a Silicone Tube! (video)

In the times when gas prices rise and rise, and there's no optimistic future for our pockets, hydrogen and Brown's gas generation look more and...

Ancient Irrigation Systems Could Help Peru on Water Security

Between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains, Peru's coastal region relies on surface water from the Andes for drinking water, industry and animal...

How to Grow Organic Onions in Egg Cartons

Anyone that likes to cook already knows how important onions are for great, flavorful food. But growing onions is easy, and there are so...

How to Make a Cooking Knife from Recycled Aluminum Foil

Believe it or not, with aluminium foil you can create a very sharp knife. You will need a few tools and some patience, but...

Recycle Old Jeans to Make a Cool Laptop Bag

Sometimes you have to move your laptop and don't have a comfortable and safe way of carrying it. This quick and simple guide will...

The World’s Most Advanced Vertical Farm Opens

Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS), the creators of a vertical farm in Scotland, claims to be the “world’s most advanced indoor farm”. The company is...

3 Ways Drivers can Live Greener

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash We get it: you love your car, and of course you need a way to get from point A...