How Sweet Potatoes Could Save The World!

You may have heard about the explosion in human population, rising oceans leading to lower food crop production and the famine that many are...

The World’s Most Advanced Vertical Farm Opens

Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS), the creators of a vertical farm in Scotland, claims to be the “world’s most advanced indoor farm”. The company is...

3 Indirect Ways Sustainable Food Makes the World Better

Everyone knows that sustainable foods are better for the environment and that the lack of pesticides and antibiotics make them a safer choice for...

The 5 Watts of Hydroponic Farming

In this article, we will analyse what is a hydroponic system, how does it work, when you should create your own hydroponic garden, who...

Bananas Wasted at Alarming Rate In The UK!

The love of bananas in the UK is well documented, but what you may not know is that they are by far the most...

Spiders consume an astonishing 800 million tons of insects per year

It is a huge biomass compared to what humans run through in fish and meat per year, a mere 400 tons, or half the...

Walmart Uses Blockchain Technology to Track its Lettuce

Previously, when dozens of people across the country got sick from eating contaminated romaine lettuce, Walmart did the most sensible thing: It cleared every...

Eco-Friendly Meat is Here… And No Animals Were Harmed in its Making

If you've been following the news for, oh, the last 30 years or so, you should be well aware of the sorry state of...

Plastics in Your Life Might Be Causing Reproductive Problems

Twenty years ago, scientists realized that a common chemical in plastic named BPA (bisphenol A) leached out of plastics and caused reproductive problems in...

Mobile app tracking down toxic additives in food and cosmetics

No matter how meticulously you may be reading product labels at the supermarket, can you be sure that you are updated on complicated code...