US Geothermal Power Capacity Increased by 147 MW in 2012

Of the various forms of green energy, geothermal power is the least popular when compared to solar and wind. For example, with the wind...

Promoting Geothermal as Base Load is Becoming Off Base

After years of citing its advantage as a base load resource, geothermal power advocates must take a new tact in promoting the advantages of...

Conventional Geothermal in Japan Could Replace All Existing Nuclear Power Plants

According to some reports, only 16% of Japan's energy is generated domestically, but being located on the ring of fire, Japan is considered the...

Unused Old Mines Could Be Used as Geothermal Power Sources

Geothermal energy has a lot of potential worldwide. As it is not dependent on many factors, geothermal energy could be the cleanest power source of near future. Two scientists from University of Oviedo, Spain, have concluded that geothermal energy could be provided by mine shafts.

Energy Produced from Geothermal Sources to See Significant Increases by 2020

Currently, the United States generate about 3.1 gigawatts of electricity from geothermal systems. On the other hand, as the report claims, 88 percent of the world's geothermal energy systems currently in operation are used in just 8 countries.

Earthquake-Free Geothermal Drilling Technology Proposed by GTherm

Earthquakes are a serious drawback and side effect of geothermal drilling and that could be damaging to the industry, especially after Japan's nuclear experience. GTherm, a Connecticut-based company founded in 2008, thinks they can overcome the issue through their proprietary geothermal extraction process that doesn't involve fracturing rock, which is apparently causing the quakes.

High Efficiency/Low Temperature Geothermal System Implemented in Utah

Geothermal energy is considered to be the ultimate energy source in terms of reliability. Since it doesn't depend on day or night, or other external factor, it is practically undisturbable and has a huge potential.

Bali Governor Refuses Geothermal Project On Island, Quoting Religious Beliefs

Geothermal wells can offer tremendous energy quantities, yet there are people who, in the name of their religious beliefs, think geothermal as something evil and contrary to their lifestyle. Such a statement comes from Bali governor Made Mangku Pastika.

Throwing Water In Volcanoes Could Generate Energy, Scientists Say

In a search for alternative means to generate energy, scientists have gone beyond what many of us can imagine. Often the new techniques happen...

Groundwater Cooling System for Supercomputers Ecofriendly and Efficient

Australia's largest supercomputer may get a renewable system for cooling in the near future thanks to a geothermal energy project in Perth. The Pawsey Centre...