Development of Philippines Geothermal Energy, Helped by NZ Scientists

Among the renewable energy industries in the Philippines, geothermal energy is the one able to keep on expanding. What’s more, it ranks second among...

CO2 Used to Make Clean Geothermal Power

Can clean geothermal power be made from carbon dioxide? Many startups and researchers are betting YES. In 2014, testing will begin to determine whether it’s...

Siemens Designs New 60 MW Steam Turbine for Geothermal Applications

Siemens Energy has recently developed a new 60 MW steam turbine for geothermal power plants at the GEA Geothermal Energy Expo in San Diego. Designed...

Newberry Volcano in Oregon to Become Geothermal Power Source

Nearly one million people could benefit from a new project in Oregon, where deep waters would be turned into steam by deep geothermal activity...

Conventional Geothermal in Japan Could Replace All Existing Nuclear Power Plants

According to some reports, only 16% of Japan's energy is generated domestically, but being located on the ring of fire, Japan is considered the...

Throwing Water In Volcanoes Could Generate Energy, Scientists Say

In a search for alternative means to generate energy, scientists have gone beyond what many of us can imagine. Often the new techniques happen...

ARPA-E Funds Laser-Drilled Geothermal Energy Project

The US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) has provided funding to Foro Energy to develop inexpensive, high-powered lasers that...

New Technology Extracts Lithium from Geothermal Waste Water

The new technique developed by California-based Simbol Mining could make geothermal wells even more valuable. Extracting lithium with old technologies has up to now been considered impractical.

Groundwater Cooling System for Supercomputers Ecofriendly and Efficient

Australia's largest supercomputer may get a renewable system for cooling in the near future thanks to a geothermal energy project in Perth. The Pawsey Centre...

Sewage Geothermal Technology Used to Extract Free and “Filthy” Heat in Philadelphia

Wastewater is and will always be warm, and its heat so far has usually been lost, without powering anything (but bacteria). To prevent this...