New Taiwanese Solar Tracking Device Uses Very Little Electricity to Move Panels

Solar tracking devices are usually part of the staff going unobserved in that long list at the end of a movie, but they still...

New Breakthrough in Invisible Solar Cell Technology

Remember what we've said about see-through solar cells on windows and how they could become the future of the industry? Well, it's actually moving...

Infrared-Harvesting Solar Cells Made Entirely from Carbon Invented at MIT

MIT researcher Michael Strano, previously involved in projects like thermopower waves, carbon nanotube energy storage and others related to carbon nanotubes, discovered a new...

Low-Priced Chinese Solar Cells Pose Huge Threat to German Solar Industry

Things are going bad for the German solar manufacturing industry, just as they have been for the U.S. one. The enemy are the low...

Hybrid Wind and Solar Powered Streetlamps That Run on Their Own

You’re putting solar panels on your roof? Why not on the streetlamps? After all, they’re one of the biggest consumers off any city’s electric...

Solar Panel System: How to Build a Cheap One

A cheap solar panel system will forever be the best solution to expensive electric bills. Solar cells are getting cheaper each year. While you could pay up...

New Project for Spain’s IREC: Nanoparticles for Cheaper, More Efficient Solar Cells

Thin-film solar cells have a relatively low efficiency. Even fancy silicon ones which can reach 11% don't satisfy us. So what are researchers around...

SunEdison Continues Electrification of Indian Villages With Solar Power

Starting an electrification program named "Eradication of Darkness" can be called a number of things, from pretentious to daring, but it's exactly what SunEdison...

Logitech Keyboard K760 Goes Solar

A state-of-the-art solar-powered keyboard called K760 has been invented by Logitech closely following the release of K750 and Solar Keyboard Folio especially designed for...

Underwater Solar Cells Invented at NRL Yield 7 Watts/Sq.Meter

A new type of high bandgap underwater solar cell has been developed at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Previously limited by the filter...