fresnel lens frame

Solar Concentrator DIY – How to Build an $8 Fresnel Lens from Old TV

A solar concentrator DIY can seem like the easiest thing in the world - if someone else is doing the hard work. A guy who calls himself "Grant...

Ice Buildup on Solar Panels No More: Researchers Find Solution

Specialists have recently discovered the solution to a problem that could potentially threaten all man-made structures: the build-up of ice on their surfaces. Scientists have...

New Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Goes 1,300km a Year on Its Solar Panel Alone

In the old times, there were Priuses. Now, it's Hyundai. They just launched their Sonata Hybrid and it has a solar roof charging...

Solar Powered Refrigerator Invented by 23 yo Emily Cummins

Emily Cummins, a 23-year old girl from the UK, has been named an Oslo Business for Peace Honouree for inventing a solar powered refrigerator - basically a device that uses water evaporation to extract heat (just like your skin gets colder when your sweat evaporates off).

Solar Stirling Engine Efficiency Records Broken by Ripasso Energy

Solar Stirling engine efficiency has been topped this year by Ripasso Energy, a solar technology company based in Sweden. They have designed a Solar stirling...

The global transition to clean energy – explained in 12 charts

A report released by Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) goes into that question in considerable detail. The Renewables Global Status...

Revolutionary Roll Out Solar Panel Invented by Renovagen

Flexible solar panels by Renovagen can be rolled up and transported pretty much everywhere. It is safe to say that solar power has been on...

31% Efficient Stirling Engines Used to Convert 1.5MW of Arizona Solar Power

Stirling engines are known to mankind for about 200 years but they are not so widely used today, except maybe for the pacemakers and long-distance robotic spacecrafts. This will soon change as 60 stirling engines will be used in Phoenix, Arizona, to harvest solar power which will be converted into electricity.

Solar Panels Cover Bike Lane in South Korea

It is only natural for a bicycle lovers to get excited when the news features new and improved bike lanes. How about a bike...

DIY: How to Make a Solar Cell at Home From Readily Available Stuff and…...

A very neat experiment that anyone with some skills can do in the garage or kitchen is creating a solar cell out of blackberry juice and titanium dioxide (and several other components).