Facebook's fortworth data center

Facebook’s New Data Center Powered by 200 MW Texas Wind Farm

Facebook announced that its fifth privately owned and second 100 percent renewable energy powered data center is being built at Fort Worth, Texas, with...

Dutch Firm Paves Roads with Recycled Plastics

Dutch engineers have found an eco-friendly substitute for asphalt used for road construction, which could come as quite a surprise- the hero is, recycled...

Cheap Autonomous Driving System with Artificial Intelligence Developed by Romanian High School Student

Either Google or Tesla Motors should hire this guy - he made a system that can autonomously drive a car and that costs just...
Mobile Phone Towers are Nearly Ubiquitous and Have Very Poor Energy Efficiency

Increased Energy Efficiency Could Cut Wireless Data Power Consumption by 90%

Take a look at your mobile device. Other than worrying about battery life and data plan overages, have you ever thought about the energy...