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Fan Case Free Energy Magnet Motors: How They Fake Them


fan-magnet-motorWhen I started writing about alternative energy, I was also amazed by the sheer number of videos on YouTube that were showing magnet motors of all sorts, and how these were supposed to revolutionize the energy industry and rock the world as we know it.

Now I’m not saying people should stop experimenting with magnets or with new stuff that comes to their minds, but scammers should stop faking these magnet motors just to make money.

But “How do they make any money out of this? There’s no selling involved,” you may ask. Well, YouTube, as a part of Google, has Google ads on it, to provide an incentive for creators to create more useful videos. As people watch those videos, a small percentage also click the ads, and the creators make money.

Making some buzz makes some money – that’s how it goes these days. So they can make money with anything, not just by selling things, but by promoting stuff that just isn’t real – which is obviously unethical.

So, back to the video – it’s all about reed switches and well-concealed batteries. Watch it and share your opinion with us:

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    • I found 10mmx1mm disc magnets of material mentioned in video on ebay.com, and I promptly ordered pack of 10 for little over $1 with free shipping.


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