UCLA Scientists Produce Cheap Fuel from Solar Power and CO2

Running an electric car on electricity is something pretty common (and logical), but running a gasoline car on electricity is something of fantastic realm....

US Navy Technology Makes Fuel from Seawater

Making fuel out of seawater is now possible, according to a team of scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. They developed...

Dutch & Norvegian Researchers Say Osmosis Power Plants Could Suffice World's Electricity Needs

A new approach to generate electricity comes from engineers from Europe's northern countries of the Netherlands and Norway. They want to use the difference between salty and fresh water through osmosis in two different manners and say that their solutions could suffice the entire world's energy needs. The New Scientist joined them both in an interesting case study.
Energy Efficiency is Right There for the Taking!

Energy Efficiency More Important Than any Other “Fuel,” IEA Reports

With all the focus on renewable energy and alternative fuels, it seems that improving the energy efficiency of the technology we already have has...

SuperStation: The Superconductor Energy Hub Uniting U.S. Grids

New Mexico may become a hub for this kind of energetic interaction, as Clovis is wanted to host the SuperStation, a hub using superconducting cables to link three networks: The Eastern Interconnection, The Western Interconnection and the Texas Interconnection. The 5GW carrying cables will be cooled down to -300°F and thus energy losses through heat will be infinitesimally close to zero.

Flare: The Most Time-, Cost- and Energy-Efficient Cooking Pot

Cooking at home is great, and certainly a lot more healthy (for your body and your pocket) than eating out. Unfortunately, cooking takes up...

Orange and Tesla Partner For Interactive Car in France

You don't need to look like David Hasselhoff to have an interactive car ala Knight Rider, that is if Orange Business Services and Tesla...

Watly, Solar-Powered Computer that Provides Clean Water, Electricity and Internet

Watly is the world's largest solar-powered computer, which provides clean drinking water, green solar power and internet connectivity. In many parts of the world, access...

New Urine Fuel Cell From UK Could Piss Off Oil Companies Badly

In the not-so-distant future, you'll probably be able to take a leak, or ease yourself, or drop some in your fuel tank to get that electric motor spinning, because scientists have figured out a material that could create that fuel cell which transforms urine into electricity. Cheap electricity.

European Commission Stops Subsidies For Renewables, Gives Green Light to Coal And Gas

Earlier this week, The European Commission decided against governmental subsidies for renewable energy projects, by issuing new guidelines in support of back-up energy generating facilities,...