5 Promising Renewable Energy Startups in Africa

Even though Africa has the potential to generate tons of renewable energy, two out of three people living in an African country do not...

TGER: the Machine that Turns Trash into Electricity

TGER is the name of the trash-eating machine. It uses multiple technologies to fuel a standard 60-kilowatt electrical generator.

Solar Panels Cover Bike Lane in South Korea

It is only natural for a bicycle lovers to get excited when the news features new and improved bike lanes. How about a bike...

DIY: How to Make a Solar Cell at Home From Readily Available Stuff and…...

A very neat experiment that anyone with some skills can do in the garage or kitchen is creating a solar cell out of blackberry juice and titanium dioxide (and several other components).

Sydney Is in a State of Emergency to Fight Climate Change

On Monday, the city council of Sydney, Australia, unanimously voted to enter a state of emergency over the looming threat posed by climate change. The...
Sunlight COllector

Solros Real Light: Swedish Device Brings Real Sunlight Where Needed

A new way to light up some dark spaces in your house was developed by the Swedish Company Solros. The company is composed of well-trained...

Build a Joe Cell Hydrogen Generator from a Silicone Tube! (video)

In the times when gas prices rise and rise, and there's no optimistic future for our pockets, hydrogen and Brown's gas generation look more and...

Zero Mass Water’s Solar Panels Pull Clean Drinking Water Out of Thin Air

Around the world, approximately 2.1 billion people do not have immediate access to clean drinking water. A startup called Zero Mass Water aims to make clean water easily...

Hybrid System Turns Waste Heat From Solar Panels to Warm Water

A new type of hybrid system combines solar panels with solar water heaters to optimize energy production and make the most of every sun...

PoWiFi Powers Devices Wirelessly, Eliminates Batteries

PoWiFi is a system that allows simultaneous wireless transfer of power and data to electronic devices using existing WiFi infrastructure, giving a glimpse of...