How many years of Earth's natural resources remain?

How Much of Our Planet’s Natural Resources Actually Remain?

For someone born in 2010, perhaps with a life expectancy of one hundred years, how long until some of the world’s most important natural...

Ancient Irrigation Systems Could Help Peru on Water Security

Between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains, Peru's coastal region relies on surface water from the Andes for drinking water, industry and animal...

3 Ways Drivers can Live Greener

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash We get it: you love your car, and of course you need a way to get from point A...

World’s First Plant-Based Running Shoes- by Reebok

Reebok introduces running shoes made entirely of plant-based materials. Running is one of those sports that are so easy to practice. All you need is...

‘Eco-friendly’ Sports: An Oxymoron or a Reality?

'Eco-friendly' is seldom associated with sport. Many people are oblivious of the resources involved in establishing and maintaining sports facilities. Sports fields require vast amounts...

Cereplast's Algae-Based Bioplastics Reduce Petroleum Use by 50%

Cereplast has already developed some new technologies before, being able to make plastic from renewable materials such as corn starch, tapioca, wheat and potatoes.

Hungary to Build $1 Billion Green-Powered Town From Scratch

  Hungary is planning to create a green-powered town with jobs and housing for thousands on a barren strip of Danube flood plain. German property investment...

FytoStick, The Smart Hiking Stick That Plants Seeds Automatically

In an interesting attempt to save bees and to plant trees, PalmPrint Innovations LLC in Baltimore has started an Indiegogo campaign for their FytoStick...

Ecuador Amazon Tribe Win First Victory Against Oil Companies

Ecuador's Waorani indigenous tribe won their first victory against big oil companies in a ruling that blocks the companies' entry onto ancestral Amazonian lands...

Biodegradable Plastics Made From Waste Cooking Oil With Aid from Bacteria

Waste cooking oil could be used to make better bioplastics, according to researchers participating at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference at the...