The Nuclear Era Will End Before 2030

A parliamentary group, called "The Greens" has released a report on Wednesday in which they underline the lack of nuclear development during the latest...

Australia Becomes World's First Country That Will Put a Price On Carbon

According to the Australian government, the country will be the world's first nation that will put a price on carbon emitted into the atmosphere (US$24.6) starting July next year.

MIT Finds How Carbon Dioxide Could Be Sunk Into the Ground Forever

Deep saline aquifers in the U.S. could be the solution for storing the CO2 outputted from coal power plants in the long run, thus...

China Continues to Pursue Its Nuclear Dream

When China announced recently that it plans to change its 2020 target for nuclear power the world dared to hope. But don't hold your breath: it hasn't announced how much they will change and whether it's for the long run!

Alarming Rates of Ocean Acidification Detected by UK Scientists

In March, 2012, one of the world’s leading journals “Science” published a paper on geological record of ocean acidification by Dr. Daniela Schmidt, a...

UN Encourages Us to Eat Insects as Part of a Nutrition-Rich Diet

According to a report by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization insects can provide all needed nutrients and proteins to undernourished children. The report, which...

Delaying Internet's Data Could Reduce Its Carbon Emissions

The servers, routers, switches and other components of a network are designed to work with much larger quantities of data than they do daily,...

Obama Changes US to Green

A long time ago, President Obama announced his agenda as very different from what we are used to. He lets us see that US economy can not only not lose, but also win from keeping environmental policies at the front.

Arctic Drilling Suspended as Shell Regroups After Mishaps

In 2013, the Arctic is safe from at least one oil company’s drills. Royal Dutch Shell announced on Wednesday that it will not be...