Nissan Pivo – The Most Versatile Electric Car see for yourself...

Muammer Yildiz Magnetic Motor at Delft University, Netherlands

An inventor from Turkey, Muammer Yildiz, as and report, has just demonstrated his own version of a magnetic motor at the University of Delft, in the Netherlands, in front of an audience made of university staff and students. His device ran for more than 10 minutes, rotating a fan. The wind speed was measured and it has been concluded that the power of Yildiz's magnetic motor is about 250 W.

The Most Inconvenient Truth: Free Energy

Energy is not free, but it is contained in the deepest corners of our world and of our universe. We only have to find...
Sustainable Design, Captured World's Tallest Vertical Garden

Indoor Vertical Garden, a Testament to Sustainable Design

Design firm “Green Over Grey” focuses on sustainable designs for the 21st Century and beyond, some facets of which are more or less visible...

Home Made Electric Bike

Here's a short video of someone who modified his bicycle to go electric. He used a brushless motor and a pack of several Li-Ion...
Wind Power by Festo

Festo DualWingGenerator is Remarkably Efficient Wind Power Device

A few years ago, Festo created a flying bird model that was remarkably similar to the genuine article. Now they’re turning their attention to...

GM Hy-Wire Fuel Cell Vehicle Tested by Top Gear

...and here's the HyWire technology, the one the world has been talking about in the last few months. It's a concept made by General Motors, there is only one example of it made, and it runs on fuel cell power. I mean... hydrogen power.

New Nissan Leaf Ad Attacks Everything Gas-Powered, Including The Chevy Volt

I don't currently own a Nissan Leaf, but what I know is this car benefits from excellent advertising. After the polar bear ad, Nissan effectively attacks everything that runs on gas in an over-dramatized scenario. It also uses the Chevy Volt image at the end to suggest this one also runs on gas, like all the other things in "this" world.
Climate change, actually not all that complicated!

Climate Change Explained in Under a Minute [Video]

If someone were to ask you to explain climate change and why you believe it exists, how long do you think it would take? Really,...