Wave Treader: Joining Wind and Wave Power

By combining wind and wave power, the energy output can be drastically increased. The Wave Treader that enables the mix-up will probably be available on the market by 2011.

Severn Estuary Will Provide a Large Ammount of Electricity to UK

UK government recently made public a plan to start harvesting tidal energy in Severn Estuary were tides rise and fall twice a day up to 12 yards.

Hydrokinetic Power Does Not Affect Fish Populations

We all need electricity for powering different stuff in our home, to make our lives more pleasant. But if the electricity is produced using green sources it's even better. One of the most used types of energy up to now was hydropower, but this one involves the construction of dams, weirs or other structures that could affect fish.
Wave Power, Renewable Energy's Red-Headed Step-Child?

Wave Power Lags Behind Other Renewable Energy Sources

As many have noted, there is energy all around us, and it’s not all locked up in fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources are varied,...

Francois Kneider's Wave Powered Boat Working Principles

While about a month ago I was presenting an article about Suntory Mermaid II, a boat powered only by the movement of the waves, I am now presenting an inventor, named Francois Kneider, who in his seventies, continues to amaze the people who know him by the number of ideas he has and the innovations he brought to life. In 2005, he focused on building wave powered systems for boats.

Toshiba Planning Commercial Underwater Ocean Turbines

The issue with the various alternative energy sources is that they are intermittent. You can't trust the sun or the wind to provide a...

Oceanlinx Harvesting Australian Wave Power Very Efficiently

Oceanlinx has started since few years ago a renewable energy project based on wave energy. The device is a Oscillating Water Column which was first deployed in 2005 but this had undergone planned refurbishment and modifications this year. Today the device is again up and running and can generate from 100 Kw up to 1.5 MW, depending on the waves and requirements from consumers.
New 1MW Tidal Turbine Harvests Ocean Energy in Sweden

Does Ocean Energy Mean Wave Power or Tide Power?

Another form of hydroelectricity being investigated involves the movement of the ocean. Here, consistency could mean the difference between wave power or tide power. Like...

DeltaStream: UK-Based Underwater Generator to Power 1000 Homes

The unit has been invented by Pembrokeshire engineer Richard Ayre, featuring three generators mounted on a triangular frame and due to its floating crane it can easily be lowered and recovered from the seabed.

Renewable Hydrokinetic Energy Could Meet 10% of U.S. Electricity Needs, Study Says

The newest affordable clean energy source that scientists have laid eyes on is the one provided by hydrokinetic systems such as ocean waves and free-flowing rivers. Researchers estimate that this â€Ã…“fresh” source of energy could supply electricity to meet up to 10% of America's power needs.