Fresh Water for Seaside Communities this Christmas

Probably one of the most frustrating situations to be in is being marooned on an island in the middle of the ocean without fresh...

MIT Researchers Develop The Perfect Solar Absorber

Advances in the field of solar emerge every day, with new technologies popping up on the market all the time. Arguably, one of the...

Ekocycle: Coca Cola’s 3D Printer that Recycles Bottles, at Home

The attention that has been paid on plastic pollution over the course of the past few years has grown incredibly. Nevertheless, for every article...

New Fuel Battery Has 3 Times More Energy Than Gasoline!

It's not breaking news anymore, but some scientists from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and others, led by Stuart Licht, discovered a battery that could kick out fossil fuels at the chapter of energy storage capacity.

PackH2O Helps Millions Carry Clean Drinking Water Home

Any invention that could transform the world we live in into a greener and better place is already something worth applauding.  But when this...

Flexible Batteries Make Bendable Smartphones a Reality

A team of Korean researchers may have discovered how to create a flexible battery to be used in smartphones. This may be a game...

Nano Fibers Will Power Your iPod

Have your ever seen those self-powered mechanical watches, those who charge themselves from your hand's movement? They have one half of a heavier metal...

Sewage Power Plants Could Produce 20 Times More Electricity Thanks to New Discovery

Sewage treatment plants represent an interesting source of electricity. Oregon State University (OSU) have studied and developed a new type of coating that, if applied on the positive electrodes of microbial electrochemical cells used in such plants would raise the electricity production by about 20 times.

Solar Cells Now Cheaper Than Coal!

Nanosolar has created a thin film solar battery, much more efficient than anything existing on the market nowadays. Its thin film technology transfers the sun...

New Nanomaterial Purifies Water, Produces Energy And Improves Lithium-Ion Batteries

Generating hydrogen, producing and desalinating water and creating energy are just some of the properties of a brand new nanomaterial, developed by scientists at...