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Dreamed up and designed by a 62 year old London theater lighting engineer and led by a 33 year old German former Goldman Sachs banker, Sundrop Farms in Port Augusta Australia is growing food in the desert. Sundrop Farms is beyond the...
With the aim to provide developing countries a cheap and easy way to purify water, Procter and Gamble (P&G), a giant multinational consumers good company, has developed a small water purification system packed in small sachets called ‘Pur’. Each...
TerraCycle, a small upcycling company based in New Jersey, has launched its new program, Cigarette Waste Brigade, which aims to collect various wastes from cigarettes and tobaccos – cigarette butts, rolling papers, loose tobacco pouches, plastic wrapper, foil, and...
Micro-plastics have been accumulating in the surfaces of oceans, affecting negatively marine life and humans, as well. Just recently, researchers have found that the same man-made pollutants are roaming in the great lakes up to about 650,000 micro-plastic particles...
Uncannily similar to the Camelford water pollution incident in Cornwall, England in the late 1980s, in 2009 there was an incident in Crestwood Illinois. Due to human error, drinking water in Crestwood was accidentally contaminated which led to high...
The way that public transportation is set up here in the US, it's no wonder to me that not as many people utilize it outside of the cities. In major cities, like New York, subways and buses are well-suited...
Synonymous with 'hybrid,' Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle is the most popular HEV in the US, and according to global sales numbers, the third-most-popular vehicle in the world for the first quarter 2012. Having sold nearly 10,000 Prii...
Advanced technology may be made up of new materials and processes, but the one thing that drives any advance in any field is talent. If a company wants to design the next new widget, better than all the rest,...
Can a electric vehicle be anything but a fishy-looking mileage-miser with no more purpose than basic transportation? Many drivers have poo-pooed the Toyota Prius hybrid for such infractions, but does that mean that all electrified vehicles are built...
For four years now, the Technische Universitat Darmstadt in Germany has been studying an innovative carbon-capturing system, the carbonate-looping method, which aside from being cost-effective, energy-efficient, and having a 90% capturing capacity, is also feasible to be retrofitted in...