Pick up Your Pooch’s Poop, Or End Up Drinking It

Fido may be mean to the cat, or may bite the postman from time to time, but he's great with kids and is fun...

HARVEST: Experimental Wind Powered Rig to Mine Zcash Cryptocurrency

If we are to consider the destructive capabilities of the extreme weather that we have faced in the past months, it is probably safe...

El Hierro – World's First Island Powered 100% By Renewable Energy

The people of the small Spanish island of El Hierro, located on the western edge of the Canary Islands, will soon have have real a reason to be happy. El Hierro will become the world's first island powered by 100% renewable energy sources. According to the planners, the electric cars will not be missing from this island.

New Diesel DeNOx Catalyst to Reduce Emissions by 95%

A new catalyst has been developed by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory. It can reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions diesel engines from 90%-95%. Integrated Fuel Technologies, Inc. (IFT), a Washington State start-up company with offices in Spokane and Kirkland, has been licensed to produce it.

The Future of Transportation Means Hydrogen And Electricity, Says Shell

There are many speculations and predictions to what the future for the transport industry holds. Based on past and current trends, many have tried...

How to Make Graphene from Pencils and Washing Liquid

There is not a single week that passes without the magic word, graphene, making its presence in the news. Ever since the discovery of...

Hu2’s Wall Stickers Guilt You in Switching Off the Light

Small French designer studio, Hu2, has come up with a clever way to encourage people to never leave the light on behind them. They created tiny...

WWF Report: We Consume 52% More Than Our Planet Can Produce and Regenerate

A report made by WWF and launched today from the International Space Station (ISS) by André
 Kuipers, one of the onboard astronauts, says that humanity...

Keeping Up with the Joneses A Factor in Solar Installation

You might think that solar roof owners tended to be upper middle class liberals, but a study shows that that might not be the...
"Renewable Energy Will Skyrocket Energy Prices!" - Grid Operators

Scare Tactics – Renewable Energy will Spike Electricity Prices

We know that, to reduce emissions associated with power production, fully we need to make the switch to renewable energy. Some say this will...