“Physical Internet” to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated With Logistics

Engineers at Virginia Tech University and the University of Arkansas conducted a study which shows that if businesses are linked together through a shared...

Natural Gas Harnessing Could Help Harvest Clean Atmospheric Water

Scientists from the University of Texas, Austin, may have figured out a way to kill two environmental birds with one stone. Using waste products...

New Nanotech Material Could Solve On-Vehicle Hydrogen Storage Problems

Scientists from Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories developed a hydro-storage system using nanotechnology. This innovative storage system can draw a futuristic picture with hydrogen-powered...

Danish Hotel Gives Free Meal to Anyone Cycling for 15 Minutes in Their Gym

While pointless as a way to really change something in the course of pollution reduction, a Danish hotel found a way to both motivate their customers to go green by pedaling and give them a free $36 meal voucher.

Floating Autark Home a Model of Self-Sufficiency

Passivhaus buildings, synonymous with energy efficiency and reduced ecological footprints, are becoming a staple in Europe. Once found on land, Passivhaus homes are now...
Toyota SiC Hybrid Vehicle Power Control Unit: ≈$70,000?

Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Reduces Hybrid Vehicle System Size

Toyota is the undisputed leader in the hybrid vehicle market, accounting for some 75% of all hybrid vehicles sold on the planet, and is...

New Mold Technique Puts BioSand Water Filter Within Reach of Everyone

      BioSand water filtration represents one of the most promising technologies we have when it comes to low cost water filtration. A new mold technique...

Save 40% of Water Heating Costs with EcoDrain

The idea behind this energy gadget is simple: every time you take a shower, or wash your hands and, generally, use hot water, you waste a lot of energy down the drain in the form of hot water. That energy is really a big waste, because a lot of energy is put into heating that water.

Highly Efficient Light-Emitting Diode Mimics Fireflies

Studying the structure of firefly lanterns, scientists from Belgium, France and Canada were able to identify a pattern of jagged scales that enhances the...

South Korean Government Opens Country's Most Advanced Green Business Center

It's not every day that you see a case of "acting-like-you-preach" scenario of companies living green themselves, but South Korea has built the first zero-emission business center ever. The building is home to a climate change research center and is based exclusively on renewable energy, provided by 66 different types of green technologies, including solar and geothermal.