How To Turn Plastics into Diesel Fuel

Global Resource Corporation (GRC) found a way to convert all plastics scrap and especially tire rubber to... guess what... DIESEL oil! The secret behind this...

DO NOT IDLE with no purpose: several facts related to this bad habit

HERE'S THE RULE OF THUMB: If you're in a drive-through restaurant/business line or waiting for someone and you'll be parked and sitting for 10...

Let The Wind Blow: Shawn Frayne's Aeroelastic Electricity Maker

This guy invented a device which uses a simple plastic belt to vibrate from wind blowing and generate a significant amount of electricity for...

How to Build a Tesla Coil

In many aspects, Nikola Tesla changed the way we consume electricity, transport and produce it. He even influenced the way we move and start...

Solar Power Gets Cheaper (video)

There have been many trends posted involving solar power but in the US it still only accounts for 1% of the electricity generated. Even...

A new catalyst can split carbon dioxide gas

Tom Simonite, A new catalyst that can split carbon dioxide gas could allow us to use carbon from the atmosphere as a fuel source...