Iceland To Have World's First Data Center That Operates Without CO2 Emissions

Iceland is one step closer to have the world's first zero-carbon data center. The IT company Colt will build this new data center which...

Pacific Northwest’s Klamath Basin a Possible Site for Geothermal Energy Plant

There are currently three high-volume, low-heat geothermal energy plans in the world. These are located in Japan, Germany, and Iceland. By the end of...

Geothermal power – hot energy right under our feet

Converting geothermal heat into electricity by pouring water onto hot rocks underground and using the steam to turn turbines is arguably the most promising - and renewable - source of "green" energy on the planet. So concludes the MIT experts' report, released on Monday, which examines what geothermal energy could do for the US in the 21st century.

Asteroid Impact To Have Created Geothermal Energy Reservoir In Australia 300 Million Years Ago

An important geothermal resource area in Australia has been found to have a less known, asteroid-related history, as Dr. Tonguç Uysal from the University of Queensland did some research on the energy capabilities of the Cooper Basin.

Simbol Materials to Extract Cheap But Precious Lithium From Geothermal Wells

Electric cars produced nowadays use lithium ion batteries. As this market will rise over the next few years, so will the lithium demand, ultimately...

New Technology Extracts Lithium from Geothermal Waste Water

The new technique developed by California-based Simbol Mining could make geothermal wells even more valuable. Extracting lithium with old technologies has up to now been considered impractical.

Oui! French Say Yes to Geothermal Power

The French are starting a new revolution - one in renewable energy.  Well, at least they are reviving one in geothermal power.  The country...

Sewage Geothermal Technology Used to Extract Free and “Filthy” Heat in Philadelphia

Wastewater is and will always be warm, and its heat so far has usually been lost, without powering anything (but bacteria). To prevent this...

Conventional Geothermal in Japan Could Replace All Existing Nuclear Power Plants

According to some reports, only 16% of Japan's energy is generated domestically, but being located on the ring of fire, Japan is considered the...

Hawaii Extending Geothermal Industry

Hawaii is set on becoming more than just "the" touristic destination – the Hawaii Electric Light Company (HELCO) is putting in an effort to...