Airbus A320 eTaxi is "More Than Twice as Fuel-Efficient" on the Ground

Taxiing Green With Airbus A320’s Fuel-Efficient eTaxi System

In the air, the Airbus A320 passenger plane is one of the most fuel-efficient single-aisle aircraft that airlines can invest in. On the ground, however,...
plasma switch

New Plasma Switch for More Efficient Long-Distance Power Transmission

The General Electric (GE) company is developing an advanced plasma switch that will make a conversion of high-voltage DC to high-voltage AC more efficiently,...

Simple Drain Heat Recovery System Can Save Up to 50% Heating Energy

This morning I found an ingenious idea by RenewABILITY Energy, called Power-Pipe Drain Water Heat Recovery (DWHR). The name should say it all - it's...

Wood-Based Foam Provides Eco-Friendly Insulating Option

Everyone knows that good home insulation is the key to low energy consumption. This is of course great for our environment, as the less...

Egloo Heats Up Your Room With Just Candles

The Egloo project, which offers candle heating for 10 cents a day, could slim the fat bill that will slip through the mail box...

7 Tips on How to Renovate Your Home Energy-Efficiently

Renovating your home is always a pleasant activity, especially when the end result brings joy and comfort to the whole household. At The Green...

Hamwells, Guilt-free Luxury Shower Saves Water and Energy

Hamwells guilt-free shower saves 80% energy and 90% water by filtering and recirculating used water, without having to sacrifice the luxurious feel. Since the water...
Energy Saving Device

This Energy-Saving Device Could Cut Your Bill by 70%

If you have to pay a lot for electricity, it is bad for both you and the environment. In most of the cases, you...

Why Cryptocurrencies’ Energy Consumption Will Drop Dramatically

The massive energy consumption of bitcoin has been a hot issue as it is estimated to require more electricity than 159 countries. As a...

Credit Suisse Zurich Datacenter Saves Up to 50% Electricity Thanks to Innovative Management System

An innovative method of saving the energy consume by data centers has been invented by EPFL scientists and applied for Credit Suisse in Switzerland....